Фото и видео Scott Deardorff - Креативные техники художественной обработки портрета (На русском)

Scott Deardorff - Креативные техники художественной обработки портрета (На русском)


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Scott Deardorff is happy to introduce the second installment in his MASTERING THE DIGITAL CANVAS™ Photoshop training series. LESSON TWO: CREATIVE PORTRAIT-PAINTING TECHNIQUES FOR PHOTOSHOP will demonstrate Scott’s state-of-the-art techniques for transforming photographs of people into painted masterpieces primarily with the smudge tool, and introduce you to the newest Photoshop painting features. Included on this DVD are all the brushes, image files and other tools necessary to follow along and learn.

"I just wanted say I’m delighted with Lesson 2 of your painting series. I’ve been looking forward to its release since the first lesson and I’ve not been disappointed…I hope you continue with your tutorials as I imagine they are very time-consuming to produce…very inspiring stuff.” - Ray L.

Попросту говоря, как сделать из фотографии картину. Очень классные техники. Необходим графический планшет

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