Программы Google Bot (от RootJazz)

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Google+ Bot (от RootJazz)

Automatic Following
Automatic unfollowing
Automatic Liking
Automatic Commenting
Full account support, works with profiles and pages (business / secondary pages)
RSS posting text / images / links / audio / videos
Automatic posting of new items to RSS feeds
Action on all posts in community
Action on all community members
Action on all community contributers
Full search support
Action via search via authors or post
Filter search via recent or popular
Post links
Post videos
Post text
Post Audio
Post to communities
Join Communities
GPlus List Scraper
Manage an unlimited amount of accounts.
Account Verification
Full Spintax support
Schedule all actions for Drip Feeding potential.
Time delay between actions to appear realistic
Repeat all actions for constant promotions hands free!
Frequent updates
Good quality support via multiple systems
Full Captcha API support
All processes are stored so can be restarted in case of power failure
Detailed logs of all processes
Import / Export features for profiles, proxies. It is your data to take and do what you want with
Redo / retry / pause / cancel any action
back Guarantee


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Чтобы скачать курс, новым пользователям, необходимо Пройти Регистрацию
Если у вас уже есть аккаунт Войти на Форум